Govt Medical College Patiala VRDL Lab tops in the region-Dr Aggarwal


Govt Medical College Patiala VRDL Lab tops in the region-Dr Aggarwal

Jasbir Kapoor/ Patiala

In the national Technical Review Meeting of the Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratories held last week in New Delhi by the Department of Health Research under Ministry Health & Family Welfare Government of India, the Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratory (VRDL) of Government Medical College Patiala has been ranked at the top in the state with A-2 grading(Good) and falls in the first 31 laboratories in the country out of 115 labs which participated in the meeting.

Govt Medical College Patiala VRDL Lab tops in the region-Dr Aggarwal

According to Principal Medical College Dr. KK Aggarwal, we had requested for upgradation of the laboratory and with this the VRDL Lab of medical college will be inducted for further accreditation by Government of India, Department of Health & Family Welfare as the lab is showing excellent results for various tests as observed by a team of Government of India during a special visit to the college in February this year.

Govt Medical College Patiala VRDL Lab tops in the region-Dr Aggarwal

The Medical College laboratory (VRDL) is attached with 13 districts in the state for testing different viral infections including dengue, chikungunya, swine flu, hepatitis A & E, measles, mumps, rubella and other viral ailments, said Dr Rupinder Kaur Bakshi, Principal Investigator and In-charge of the VRDL of medical college, and it is a part of the VRDL network of ICMR (Indian Council for Medical Research) well equipped in performing H1N1 testing. The reports are made available within 24 hours with well-established sample referral system, said Bakshi.