Illicit liquor distillery-SHO suspended, explanation sought from DSP


Illicit liquor distillery-SHO suspended, explanation sought from DSP

Gurjit Singh/ Samana

On receipt of secret information, SSP Patiala Mandeep Singh Sidhu directed Patiala police for swift & firm action against Law breakers.

About 50 Policemen & Women led by Insp Vijay Kumar Incharge CIA Smana, SHO Sadar Samana SI Narian Singh & SHO City Samana SI Surinder Bhalla raided Village Marori situated on the banks of Ghaggar river bed under Police Station Sadar Samana.

Illicit liquor distillery-SHO suspended, explanation sought from DSP

During raids it is found that illegal & Country made Liquor is distilled in large quantity in Marrori village. A huge quantity of Lahan recovered from secret underground bunkers made in houses & on Ghaggar River bed. Alerted by raid at first spot & house to house search accused managed to flee leaving behind raw material & undistilled Lahan. Raids to nab culprits are on.

Later 6 FIRs registered against 18 Persons, 50 Lts of illicit Liquor recovered & about 5000 Lts of Lahan destroyed.

SSP Patiala Mandeep Singh Sidhu suspended SHO PS Sadar Samana SI Narayan Singh 351/SGR &  Incharge Police Post  Mavi Kalan LR/SI Chhaju Singh 627/PTL  with immediate effect for not taking effective action against Bootleggers of Village Marrori PS Sadar Samana. Both SHO & IC PP  proved to be ineffective or hand in glove with bad elements. Explanation of DSP Sub Division Samana Rajwinder Singh is also sought to explain his loose supervision, ineffective control over subordinates before writing to higher authorities for charge sheeting him.