Govt Mohindra College organized lectures by Eye specialists
KS Diwan/ Patiala
Mohindra Health Club, Government Mohindra College, Patiala, organised two extension lectures on the very common eye diseases of Glaucoma and Cataract. Dr. Priya Agrawal and Dr. Abhishek Handa , from Shroff Eye Hospital, Vrindavan, Mathura delivered these lectures. The Principal, Prof.(Dr.) Sangeeta Handa informed that Dr. Priya Agrawal is a specialist in Glaucoma surgery and Dr. Abhishek Handa is a specialist in Oculopasty and Orbital Oncology.
She welcomed and thanked the eye specialists for their selfless service in contributing to the society and informing the students of the college about eye diseases and their cures. Dr. Priya Agrawal informed that Glaucoma (Kala Motiya) is a disease which should be diagnosed on its onset for it to be cured. The operation done on Glaucoma patients can only stop the disease from getting aggravated, it cannot bring the eyesight of the patient back to normal. She said that steroids in medicines and health supplements are a major cause of Glaucoma. Every person above 40 years of age who already has a family history of Glaucoma should get his or her eyes tested regularly for this disease to prevent it. In the case of Galucoma, Prevention is better because there is no cure.

Dr. Abhishek Handa informed the students about the problem of Cataract faced by a majority of Indians , especially after the age of 60. Cataract is the most prevalent eye disease in India and the world over. Cataract is curable and that among many others, the latest technique being used to cure this disease is called Phaco surgery.
Both the Eye specialists answered all the queries of the staff as well as the students. They informed that we must used Blue Light Filters in our Cell phones to save our eyes from getting the Dry Eye Syndrome. They recommended blue light filter lenses for people who wear spectacles. They stressed that people should not buy over the counter eye drops from Chemist shops as these may contain steroids which further damage the eyes. They suggested the use of Tear Substitutes and anti-allergic eye drops to keep the eyes moist and healthy as a routine. Lubrex eye drops used thrice a day prevent us from getting the dry eye syndrome caused by excessive use of mobile phones and computers.
The lectures were highly informative and knowledgeable for all. The eye specialists were profusely thanked by the convener Prof.(Dr.) Inderjeet Singh Cheema for taking out time for the college from their very busy schedule and for lending their services to the college free of cost. At least 200 students of the Mohindra Health Club and many others from various departments of the college along with faculty members were present on the occasion