Guru Kashi University celebrates Bihu & Vishu Fest


Guru Kashi University celebrates Bihu & Vishu Fest

Talwandi Sabo-The traditional festivals of Assamese and Malayalis, Bihu and Vishu respectively celebrated at Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo with vigour and vitality. The distinguished guests of the evening were Dr.Amit Tuteja, Deputy Registrar GKU, Dr. Ashwani Sethi, Director (Planning & Development), Dr. Varinder Singh Dy. Dean, Er. Sunny Arora Dy. Director (IT), Dr. Ravi Sumal Dean Physical Education, Er. Het Ram Babar, Estt. Officer and faculty of GKU.The programme was entirely coordinated by Er. Mokibur Hussain Mazumder, Asstt. Professor, Computer Science Engg. Department of GKU.

Guru Kashi University celebrates Bihu & Vishu Fest

The function was inaugurated by Dr. Amit Tuteja Dy. Registrar and Dr. Ashwani Sethi Director P&D. The programme was hosted by students Alex Joseph, Mohammed Shafeeque, Mohammed Adhil with the assistance of Logyo Ani, Nibir Choudhary, Debojit Hazarika, Sonu Sankar, Uttam Biswas, Ikbal Forid, Rakesh Nath, Achsa, Anju Nair, and other students. It was followed by various cultural activities like singing, traditional dance Bihu, traditional dance Vishu and other performances. Bihu is a traditional harvesting festival celebrated by Assamese people in the North East region of country. All the senior faculties of GKU were present on the occasion and wished the Assamese and Kerala students for their festival.

Sukhraj Singh Sidhu, Managing Director and Col. Dr. B.S. Dhaliwal, Vice-Chancellor applauded the cultural event organised by North Eastern and Kerala students of GKU.