Gymkhana club Patiala sounds election bugle after eight years


Gymkhana club Patiala sounds election bugle after eight years 

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Rajindra gymkhana and Mahindra Club Patiala has sounded the election bugle. As per information the members are going to elect their new executive after a gap of eight years. The elections are going to be held, after the resentment prevailed amongst the members, over some issues. Otherwise, the new executive was elected, unanimously.

The administration has issue the covid guidelines , under which the elections will be conducted. The club has around 2800 members, with voting rights.

As per the program, the club is going to hold an election for the posts of president, vice president, hony. Secy., treasurer and four executive members, whose terms are going to expire in coming days.

The club has appointed Harinder pal Singh as the returning officer, to conduct the elections for the above said posts. He will be assisted by Ravinder Nath Kaushal and CA Anil Arora of the election committee.Gymkhana club Patiala sounds election bugle after eight years-Photo courtesy-internet

As per the program, nomination form is available with the club office, against the payment of Rs 100/- and that can be submitted at the club election office from December 18-19,2020, during the office hours.

The election committee will do the scrutiny of the nomination papers on December 20,2020.

The election committee has given the time, 6:00 pm on December 21,2020, for withdrawal of nominations.

The elections will be held on the last day of the year i.e December 31,2020, after the AGM-2020(Annual General Meeting) of RGMC at 10:00 am in club premises followed by election, between 10;30 am to 6:00 pm. Due to night curfew imposed in Punjab, the counting of the votes will take place on Friday, January,1,2021 at 11:30 am, in the club premises.

“The club has twelve member executive. Out of these, four members were elected earlier this year.The elections for the posts of top executive are going to be held after eight years,as they were earlier elected unanimously, amongst the members’ said a senior member of the club.

December 15,2020