Hung Assembly is possible in 2022-Dr Pankaj Mohindru


Hung Assembly is possible in 2022-Dr Pankaj Mohindru

Dr Pankaj Mohindru

Congress party won 77 seats in Punjab assembly elections held in 2017 which was a clear majority to run the government. Captain Amarinder Singh became the Chief Minister after winning from Patiala 1 Constituency with the highest margin of 52407 votes. He enjoyed the complete majority in the assembly and remained unapproachable to the residents of Patiala-1 constituency for more than four and half years and his performance as an MLA was entirely a fiasco.He betrayed the voters of Patiala as huge development projects & growth had been expected from the elected MLA by the residents of the city after getting ignored badly for consecutive two terms by the SAD-BJP government from 2007-2017.

Prof. Pankaj Mohindru who is an MLA candidate from Patiala 1 constituency told the press that the chances of getting a clear majority by a single party are very less in the forthcoming assembly elections in early 2022 and advocated strongly that a hung assembly would be upright for the state and people. He emphasized that voters of Punjab have deep regrets on giving an absolute majority to a single party in 2017 and they have witnessed a disaster performance of the state government. He recalled the statement made by Lord Acton, a British historian of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that “Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely”.

Hung Assembly is possible in 2022-Dr Pankaj Mohindru

The game to fool the gullible people is once again on and all parties are busy drawing new tactics to win the forthcoming assembly elections. It is alleged that there is no talk of matching cost revenue by any party and there are only announcements of freebies at the cost of squeezing the middle class via more taxes.It is apprehended that no major party is in a position to revive the state economy. They are only trying to divide the voters based on caste lines and exploit religious sentiments.

It seems the Punjabi voters are confused after the poor performance of all the major parties and they need to have aholistic view instead of preferring fragmented realities given by the leaders in the state.Voters should prefer candidates who have a clean image and are hardworking enough in their respective constituencies. This way Punjab assembly will have the best representation in 2022 from all the constituencies regardless of any major party to revive the state from bankruptcy.

The writer-Dr. Pankaj Mohindru (Columnist) is an Asstt. Professor in Punjabi University, Patiala and is an expert in the field of Human Resource Management and Artificial Intelligence and is guiding research in this field.

(The views expressed are personal)

November 5, 2021