Hurry up-amnesty scheme to close shortly; opportunity for allottees to settle outstanding dues


Hurry up-amnesty scheme to close shortly; opportunity for allottees to settle outstanding dues

Kanwar Inder Singh/

To give an opportunity to the allottees who could not deposit their due instalments because of some reason, Housing & Urban Development Department, Punjab had come up with an Amnesty Scheme.

Sharing the details, a spokesperson of the department said that under the scheme allottees are required to deposit the defaulted amount at the rate mentioned in allotment letter alongwith simple interest. The outstanding amount is to be deposited in lump-sum and no part/short payment shall be accepted, stated the spokesperson adding that, the scheme is scheduled to close on 19 July, 2021 and will not be extended.

Hurry up-amnesty scheme to close shortly; opportunity for allottees to settle outstanding dues

Divulging further the spokesperson said that the allottees who have defaulted in payment of instalments due after 31-12-2013 can avail the benefit of the scheme. Besides, allottees whose allotment has been cancelled due to default in instalments or there is any litigation on this account can also apply under the scheme, he said. The scheme is applicable to all the properties auctioned or allotted through any mode by any of the development authority viz. PUDA, GMADA, GLADA, PDA, ADA, JDA & BDA. However, the scheme is not applicable to those cases in which the possession of the property has been taken by the concerned development authority, stated the spokesperson.

Hurry up-amnesty scheme to close shortly; opportunity for allottees to settle outstanding dues. This is a golden opportunity that has been extended by the department to the allottees to clear their payments, the spokesperson said adding that, to get detailed information about the procedure to apply under the scheme, interested can contact the estate office of the respective development authority.

To facilitate the allottees, a calculator is uploaded on the website of all the development authorities, from where they can calculate the amount due with them.

July 13,2021