IEI Local Centre Bathinda organized one day National Seminar


IEI Local Centre Bathinda organized one day National Seminar

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ October 29,2023

One day National Seminar on “Future Technologies and its Impact on Human and Society” under the ages of Interdisciplinary Coordination committee Institution of Engineers India organized at IEI Local Centre, Bathinda.

Dr. Jagtar Singh Sivia, Chairman Bathinda Local Centre formally welcomed all the dignitaries and the participants. He highlighted that the future technologies, such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and quantum computing, are likely to have profound impacts on humans and society.

Dr. Tara Singh Kamal former Vice President Institution of Engineers India inaugurated the conference as chief guest. Er.S.S. Mundi Council member IE(I) and Dr. Savina Bansal Dean Planning and Development were the guest of honor of the inaugural session of National Seminar.Er. Sawinder Singh Honorary Sectary State centre Chandigarh was special guest.

Dr Satwinder Singh, Associate Professor Central University Punjab,Dr. Mnapreet Kaur Assistant Professor Yadavindra Department of Engineering Punjabi University and Dr. Amarpartap Singh Professor SLIET Longowal highlighted different future technologies and its impact on humans and society.They discussed that Advanced AI and automation could displace certain jobs, requiring individuals to adapt to new roles or acquire new skills. This could lead to both job creation and job displacement.

Session Chairman Dr. Rakesh Kumar Bansal Director Punjab Institutes of Technology Nandgarh, Dr. Ramkrishan Assistant Professor and Head of Computer Science Mata Sundri Girls College Mansa and Dr. Rajbir Kaur Assistant Professor ECE dpeartment Punjabi University Patiala Chaired the Various technical Sessions of the Seminar.

Dr. Tara Singh Kamal Former Vice President IE(I) congratulated Dr. Jagtar Singh Sivia FIE, Chairman Local Centre Bathinda and Er.S.S.Mundi Council Member IE(I) for the success of this seminar. He also highlighted the various inventions done by Indians in the field of Communication Engineering.

IEI Local Centre Bathinda organized one day National Seminar

Dr. Tara Singh Kamal former Vice President IE(I) chaired the Valediction session of the Seminar as a chief guest and Er. SS Mundi was Guest of honor. Dr. Harsimarn Singh honorary secretary proposed the vote of thanks at the concluding session.