IIT Ropar Celebrated 7oth Republic Day with much gaiety


IIT Ropar Celebrated 7oth Republic Day with much gaiety

KS Diwan/ royalpatiala.in/ Rupnagar

The 70th Republic Day of India was celebrated at the permanent campus of IIT Ropar with much gaiety. The flag hoisting ceremony was held at 0930 hrs which was followed by singing of the National Anthem. The Director addressed   the Institute fraternity.

IIT Ropar Celebrated 7oth Republic Day with much gaiety

In his address he reminded the contributions of the Great Leaders in making the country as Republic and documentation of Constitution of India. He also informed the need of the hour and importance of dedicated efforts of every individual for the growth of the country, especially stressing upon the power of youth.

IIT Ropar Celebrated 7oth Republic Day with much gaiety

He also shared the development plans of the Institute about new construction and growth plans of the Institute in terms of Infrastructure, Academics and Research. All students, faculty and administrative staff were present to grace the occasion.

IIT Ropar Celebrated 7oth Republic Day with much gaiety

To mark the Republic Day, The Institute felicitated the underprivileged children students who are being taught by IIT Ropar students under “Pehchaan – Ek Safar” initiative. The Director issued certificates to the winners of Inter IIT competitions. The students displayed their artistic side on this occasion.

IIT Ropar Celebrated 7oth Republic Day with much gaiety

Various types of dances and songs performances added to the fervor of the day. The patriotic feeling was evident in the eyes of everyone present as different dance forms and iconic songs reverberated through the air.

IIT Ropar Celebrated 7oth Republic Day with much gaiety

Food and refreshments on the house were served and kept the patriotic aura throughout the function. The event came to an end with everyone returning with a burning desire to excel in their lives and contributing to the best of their capabilities for the welfare and growth of our beloved motherland.