IIT Ropar organizes certificate course on Introduction to Deep Learning


IIT Ropar organizes certificate course on Introduction to Deep Learning

KI Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Ropar

Indo-Taiwan Joint Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning organized certification course on Introduction to Deep Learning. This course is being offered by Prof. Ren-Song Ko, from National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan who is visiting IIT Ropar as part of an exchange visit.

The course is being conducted from January 18 to February 15, 2020 as weekend classes. The course focuses on Applied Maths and Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Convolution Networks and tries to provide in-depth understanding on the fundamentals of Deep Learning and similar disruptive technologies.

IIT Ropar organizes certificate course on Introduction To Deep Learning

The course has seen more than 40 registered candidates from nearby institutes and industry including Semi-Conductor Lab, Mohali, Punjab Engineering College, NITTTR, Chandigarh, NIELIT, Chandigarh, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala and Chandigarh University.

The Indo-Taiwan Joint Research on AI and ML is a bilateral centre between the India and Taiwan and was inaugurated in July 2019. The centre is a collaborative partnership between CCU, Taiwan and IIT Ropar and aims at promoting bilateral exchanges of students and faculty. IIT Ropar has initiated major research activities in the areas of AI and ML and this course is seen as one of the many exciting opportunities provided by the institute.