Home Health IMA announces to boycott ‘Farishtay’ scheme of Punjab govt

IMA announces to boycott ‘Farishtay’ scheme of Punjab govt

IMA announces to boycott ‘Farishtay’ scheme of Punjab govt
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IMA announces to boycott ‘Farishtay’ scheme of Punjab govt

Bahadurjeet Singh/Rupnagar

On the call given by State Indian Medical Association (IMA) ,Members of Rupnagar District IMA called for the boycott of “ Farishtay” scheme of the state government.

Dr Ajay Jindal , President IMA Rupnagar informed that State IMA had almost 26 meetings earlier with health minister, health secretary, finance secretary and with current health minister in last 5 months.. Every time we were given assurance of clearance within 15 days. But we are now fed up with false assurances of government and taking this extreme step. We will intensify the stir if demands are not met in stipulated time.

Dr BPS Parmar ,secretary IMA Rupnagar said that PGI Chandigarh has also stopped taking patients specifically of Punjab. This is the highest insult to residents of Punjab as they are deprived of benefits of scheme .PGI is still accepting patients of Haryana and Himachal because These states are clearing dues in stipulated time.

IMA announces to boycott ‘Farishtay’ scheme of Punjab govt
Dr BPS Parmar


IMA  Punjab private nursing home chapter held a meeting under Ayushman core Committee and decided to boycott “farishtay” or any other scheme to be launched by Govt. of Punjab.The members of Core Committee in unison said that private hospitals and doctors had fully cooperated with govt during Covid-19 pandemic. Not only this private hospitals have been instrumental in eradicating small pox, Polio by being active participant in these government run drives, moreover till date facilities of neonatal care and proper obstetric care are not available in government sector but its facilities provided by private hospital which has brought down Infant Mortality rate (IMR) and Maternal Mortality rate (MMR) , these two are the main indicators to denote health system of any country, after cessation of work by private hospitals because of non payments, both IMR  and MMR have started rising in Punjab, further facilities of Cardiology , Urology, oncology and super specialities are also being provided by private hospitals only ,But govt has backstabbed doctors by not clearing dues of Rs.250 Crores of more than 500 hospitals , and now the statement of Finance Minister saying Govt. is releasing claim amounts of PGI and Government hospitals only and not of private hospitals have reflected their intent of Step Motherly treatment with private hospitals.

They said if Govt. does not pay the claims of private hospitals ,none of private hospital will participate in any Government Scheme and Government health programme as we have already lost faith in it . Non participation of private hospitals will lead to defeat of core motive of the PMJAY scheme to provide quality health services to poorest of the society through private hospitals as private hospitals are back bone of health system of India and is serving 70% of population through it even if it is not provided with any of the facility in the form of any relaxation, subsidy or tax rebate.

They said that this government has come to power by promising better health services to residents of Punjab but Instead of improving health care services, they are stopping these welfare schemewhich was running successfully for last 3 years. Moreover many government doctors are resigning prematurely because of toxic environment created by this government and regular insults of doctors by MLA`s and their subordinate party workers.

August 5,2022