Independence Day Celebrations in Patiala Gymkhana Club


Independence Day Celebrations in Patiala Gymkhana Club

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Rajindera Gymkhana and Mahendra Club  a 125 years + heritage of Patiala celebrated Independence Day Eve with lot of enthusiasm and patriotic  fervor. It was well attended despite the drizzle and witnessed revelry and bonhomie with patriotic and other songs of Master Saleem.

Punjab Finance minister Harpal Singh Cheema addressed the august gathering and stressed upon national integrity, freedom and a new hope to take the nation and our state ahead into the future with pride.

MLAs Dr. Balbir Singh and Ajitpal  Singh Kohli  stressed upon environment, health and education as immediate challenges to be met earnestly.

Preneet Kaur, MP Patiala sounded a note of optimism about sustaining democratic values and integration of India despite being a pluralistic society.

Independence Day Celebrations in Patiala Gymkhana Club


Among the dignitaries were commissioner Patiala division Arun Sekhri, IG Patiala zone M.S Cheena , Deputy commissioner Patiala Sakshi Sawhney, Punamdeep Kaur MD, PRTC) and others.

The President of RGMC  Dr. Sudhir Varma welcomed the members and dignitaries and reemphasized the pledge taken on 14th august 1947 in constitution assembly  when India met its tryst with destiny.

Vinod Sharma Secretary of RGMC along with executive members congratulated everyone on 75th Independence day of India. Entire building was set in tricolor shades and this was deeply appreciated by one and all.

August 16,2022