Inter-state College event ‘Future Business Sharks’ organized at Govt Bikram College of Commerce


Inter-state College event ‘Future Business Sharks’ organized at Govt Bikram College of Commerce

Kanwar Inder Singh/

An Inter-state College event ‘Business Sharks’ was presented by TIE-Chandigarh, co-sponsored by Hit Bull Eye, LMTSM, Cogneesol was organised at  Govt. Bikram College of Commerce on November 15, 2022,conducted by IQAC and  Placement Cell of the college under the guidance of college principal Prof. (Dr.) Kusum Lata.

It gave students a huge opportunity to enhance their Business skills; more than 100’s of students participated in the event and top five among them will represent Stage-2 at Tricity. The students were guided about Personality development, Placement Training and fun business quiz was conducted for the participants.

Inter-state College event 'Future Business Sharks' organized at Govt Bikram College of Commerce

Many students won prizes for giving on the spot answers. Such platforms encourage students by providing them amazing opportunities and exposure.  Dr.Rekha Rani and Gazal Aggarwal contributed in making this program a success.

November 15,2022