Jamia Millia Islamia debuts on Twitter
New Delhi-Jamia Millia Islamia on Sunday made its debut on Twitter, a university official said.
In April, the university had made its debut on Instagram and LinkedIn. However, these pages were formally inaugurated by JMI’s vice-chancellor Najma Akhtar on Sunday.
Akhtar said the students, teachers and well-wishers of the university will be in touch with JMI and help in promoting its positive image.
The Twitter account will connect the university with all higher education institutions, students, teachers and other stakeholders to publicise achievements of the institution regularly, the university said.

LinkedIn is being used for industry interaction and for putting details of research papers published by the students and teachers, while Instagram is being used to put out aesthetic pictures of the university and those of the events on the campus, it added.
Twitter handle of the university is @jmiu_official, Instagram account is jamiamilliaislamia_official and LinkedIn account is jmiofficial.
The university already has its verified Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/jmiofficial/.) and YouTube channel on which notifications, press releases, published stories and videos relating to the happenings in the institution are posted. Its Facebook page has more than 42,000 followers.