Mega Career Fest for students by Patiala Sahodaya School Complex


Mega Career Fest for students by Patiala Sahodaya School Complex

KS Diwan/ Patiala

Patiala Sahodaya School Complex is organizing a Mega Career Fest for the students affiliated with it on 16 December, 2018 at Budha Dal Sports Complex, Sular Road, Patiala.The career fest will be inaugurated at 9:30 AM.  Sahodaya literally means “Rising together”, which is the main agenda behind the concept.

Vision:  To bring all the CBSE schools on a common platform and develop a common understanding among the schools while keeping pace with current education scenario and strengthen the universal values of inclusion, tolerance, empathy and religious harmony.

Mega Career Fest for students by Patiala Sahodaya School Complex

Mission: To achieve quality benchmark in school education, widen skills and educational research, to organize empowerment programs to improve the professional competency of teachers, encourage healthy interaction and mutual appreciation with opportunities for students to work with each other and to raise a winning network of schools and to create mutual and enduring value.

In this Career Fair, professional will be called to interact with the students and guide them, clear their doubts and gave tips for higher, professional studies.

Students of CBSE affiliated schools in Patiala were coming to participate in the Career Mega Fest.

Lakshya Coaching institute, Continental Institute for International Studies-Jalvehra,KIPS Learning Computer Centre, Wonder School are sponsoring this Career Fest.