MHA exempted certain activities from lockdown restrictions;issued revised guidelines to all departments


MHA exempted certain activities from lockdown restrictions;issued revised guidelines to all departments

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh

Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has issued an order to exempt certain activities under the consolidated revised guidelines to all Ministries/Departments (, regarding the Nationwide lockdown to fight COVID-19.

MHA exempted certain activities from lockdown restrictions;issued revised guidelines to all departments-Photo courtesy-Internet

MHA exempted certain activities from Lockdown Restrictions ;issued revised guidelines to all departments. The order exempts from lockdown restrictions certain activities as below:

  • Collection, harvesting and processing of Minor Forest Produce (MFP)/ Non-timber Forest Produce (NTFP) by Scheduled Tribes and other forest dwellers in forest areas.
  • Bamboo, coconut, arecanut, cocoa, spices plantations and their harvesting, processing, packaging, sale and marketing.
  • Non-banking financial institutions (NBFCs) including Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) and Micro Finance Companies (NBFC–MFIs), with bare minimum staff.
  • Cooperative Credit Societies.
  • Construction activities in rural areas to include water supply and sanitation, laying/erection of power transmission lines and lying of telecom optical fiber and cable along with related activities.
