“Microscopy Karyashala: From Start to high-end research applications” begins at the Central University of Punjab


“Microscopy Karyashala: From Start to high-end research applications” begins at the Central University of Punjab

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

An eight-day workshop entitled “Microscopy Karyashala: From Start to High-End Research Applications” begins at the Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (CUPB) on Monday. The Department of Biochemistry, CUPB, along with the Central Instrumentation Laboratory, CUPB, the Dept. of Zoology, CUPB and the Department of Pathology, AIIMS, Bathinda is organizing this workshop under the aegis of the DST-SERB “Accelerate Vigyan Scheme” from 12th to 19th September, 2022.

During the inaugural session, Prof. R.K. Wusirika, Dean In-charge Academics, welcomed the participants. He mentioned that microscopy applications can be useful to researchers of different disciplines. This workshop aims to provide hands-on training to PG and Ph.D students in different applications of microscopy in various  areas of research.

Dr. Manju Jain, Programme Convener, mentioned that only 27 candidates were selected for this workshop out of a total of 622 students from universities, colleges, and research institutes. The selected candidates will get training on different microscopy modules, viz. light microscopy with its variations, Fluorescence & Confocal microscopy and Electron Microscopy.

"Microscopy Karyashala: From Start to high-end research applications" begins at the Central University of Punjab

On the first day of this workshop, two lecture sessions were held wherein Dr. Manoj Manna, Application Specialist, Leica and Dr. Manjit Kaur, Additional Professor, AIIMS, Bathinda, deliberated on the themes of Basics of Microscopy and different imaging modalities and Fundamentals of Tissue Processing and Histopathological techniques, respectively. After this, participants got hands-on training on Paraffin Embedded Sample Processing.

The other invited speakers who will share their views in this workshop include Dr. Santosh Chauhan, Scientist E, ILS Bhubaneswar, Odisha; Dr. Prashant S. Alegaonkar, Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics, CUP; Dr. Krishan Kanta Haldar, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemistry; Dr. Satya Srinivas, Application Specialist, Zeiss; Dr. Sunil Singh, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Zoology, CUP; Dr. Anirban Bose Application Specialist, Olympus Medical Systems; Dr. Manju Jain, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry, CUP; Dr. Perinbam Kumar, Structural Biologist, Thermo Fisher Scientific; Dr. Somenath Ghatak, Application Specialist, Zeiss; Mr. Superno Gupta, Thermo Fisher Scientific and Dr. Puneet Kumar, Thermo Fisher Scientific.

During this eight-day workshop, participants will learn instrument details and working, sample processing, protocols and reagent selection, data acquisition and interpretation, trouble shooting for each modality through invited lectures and open sessions for one-to-one interaction. The concluding session of this programme will be organized on September 19, 2022.

September 12,2022