Modern Senior Secondary School celebrated the Vijay Rattan Award distribution Ceremony


Modern Senior Secondary School celebrated the Vijay Rattan Award distribution Ceremony

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Modern Senior Secondary School Patiala celebrated the Award and prestigious Vijay Rattan distribution Ceremony on 28 May 2022. It was attended by the Chairman of the school, Jujhar Singh and many other eminent alumni of Modern Senior Secondary School, Patiala.

Modern Senior Secondary School celebrated the Vijay Rattan Award distribution Ceremony

The day was celebrated with fervor, zest and enthusiasm. The highlight of the event was the trophies like Excellence in Sports, Character Award, Writing Award, Dr. Saronwala Trust Award for Academic Excellence and overall achievement of the student during the last two academic years. These trophies were given away by the Chairman, Jujhar Singh, who congratulated the students and encouraged them to work even harder in the years to come. He further added that apart from academics it is of utmost importance for the students to build empathy for their fellow beings.

May 28,2022