NABARD sanctions Rs.446 cr to Punjab for drinking water projects


NABARD sanctions Rs.446 cr to Punjab for drinking water projects

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Dr Rajiv Siwach, CGM National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development  (NABARD)  Punjab Regional Office informed that NABARD has sanctioned Rs.445.89 cr under the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) for five large surface based drinking water projects in Ferozpur, Fazilka, Hoshirapur and Rupnagar districts of Punjab. These projects envisage to provide 70 litre per capita per day potable drinking water at the consumer-end through functional household tap connections covering a rural population of 10.39 lakh in 700 villages. The villages in Ferozpur and Fazilka face issues of high turbidity/ TDS whereas villages in Rupnagar and Hoshiarpur face issue of seasonal water shortage. The State Govt is leveraging Central Government assistance available under Jal Jeevan Mission with support under RIDF for benefits of large population in the State.

NABARD sanctions Rs.446 cr to Punjab for drinking water projects

CGM, further, informed that with this 392 projects involving RIDF assistance of Rs.887.98 cr are under various stages of implementation by Department of Water Supply & Sanitation, Govt of Punjab. The completion of these projects will benefit a rural population of 28.90 lakh population. He added that during the year 3 projects involving RIDF assistance of Rs.506 cr have been sanctioned to the state Government for drinking water and construction of additional class rooms in existing Government schools.

NABARD sanctions Rs.446 cr to Punjab for drinking water projects. Dr Siwach also informed that cumulatively, NABARD has sanctioned rural infrastructure projects of Rs.10,736.29 cr and disbursed Rs.7,602.76 cr to the State Govt under Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF).

July 31,2021