National Science Day celebrated at Baba Farid Group
FACES & HIT (Activities Societies of CSE & IT departments) celebrated National Science Day on 28th Feburary, 2018 at Baba Farid Group of Institutions. It was commemorated in the honor of Sir C.V. Raman for his legacy, who discovered Raman Effect on 28th February, 1928. Two events, Poster making and Elocution were organized on the topic ‘Science and Technology for Sustainable future. Students from all the colleges of BFGI had participated in these competitions. The Chief Guest of the day was Sukhpal Singh, XEN, Panchayat Raj, Bathinda. Harpal Singh, Deputy Director (Facility management), BFGI welcomed the chief guest.

Chief Guest Sukhpal Singh discuss his views with the students and give suggestions to students that how to sustain future with the help of science and new inventions of technology. B.Tech Students Kulveer Kaur and Arzoo got first and second position in Elocution respectively. In the poster making event , Diksha ( CSE- 6th sem), Manpreet Kaur (CSE 6th sem) and Manpreet Singh ( CE 6th sem ) got 1st , 2nd and 3rd positions respectively. At the end, Chief guest given prizes to the winners. Er. Manish Goyal, Assistant director (Academics), BFGI congratulate the winners and put vote of thanks the chief guest and the audience.
Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal , Chairman BFGI congratulated the Principal & Staff of BFCET to celebrate the National Science day. He motivated students to apply science in their life and doing better for the society through new inventions.