National seminar at Mata Sahib Kaur Girls College of Edu.


National seminar at Mata Sahib Kaur Girls College of Edu.

A National Seminar on’ Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji: Guardian of Human Rights was held at Mata Sahib Kaur Khalsa Girls College of Education, DhamoMajra, Patiala. The Seminar was divided into four sessions. Dr. Roop Singh (Chief Secretary ,S.G.P.C.,) was the Chief Guest and Gursharan Kaur (Director, Language Dept. Punjab) was Guest of Honour  in the Inaugural session while Harbans Singh Gill ( Member L.M.C),  was the Chief Guest of the  Valedictory  Session.

Principal, Dr. Harmeet Kaur Anand welcomed the Chief Guest . She further said that Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the model of equality, world peace and brotherhood. She also said that in today’s world the man has  become materialistic and selfish. The teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji are the only way to reconnect the fraternity & brotherhood and also helps us in defending the Human Rights. Dr. Roop Singh said that Sri  Guru Granth Sahib Ji tells us the way of living. He further added that each & every aspect of our  life is discussed in our holy book. The need is only to understand and adopt it as a way of life.

National seminar at Mata Sahib Kaur Girls College of Edu.

Dr. Kirandeep Kaur (Director Constituent Colleges, Punjabi University, Patiala) in her address said that Sikhism is the youngest and most scientific religion of the world. The history of Sikhism is itself a struggle for Human Rights. She further added that when we start realizing that we are all a part of the divine only then we will recognize the importance of every soul.  In Expert Session Dr. Gurmeet Singh Singh Sidhu (Head, Dept. of Religious Studies,Punjabi University,Patiala) and Dr. Malkinder Kaur (Dept of  Sri Guru Granth Sahib Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala ) shared their wisdom words. In Technical sessions approximately 60 papers were presented.