National Seminar on Global Relevance of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life ,Teachings held at GNDU


National Seminar on Global Relevance of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life ,Teachings held at GNDU

Gurpreet Kaur/ Amritsar

“The best way to pay respects to one of the greatest ever apostles of universal brotherhood, non-violence, peace and other eternal human values, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is to follow His teachings and preachings in letter and spirit in day-to-day life in order to make this planet a better place to live on”, said Prof. Rattan Singh Jaggi, an eminent thinker, former Head, Deptt. of Punjabi Literature Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala. His message of humanity, impeccable integrity, honesty, morality, compassion and truthfulness are eternal and transcends all types of socio-cultural, political, religious, cultural, ethnical, racial barriers, he stressed. He was delivering the key note address in  the inaugural session of one day National Seminar on Global Relevance of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and Teachings.

National Seminar on Global Relevance of Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Life ,Teachings held at GNDU

This seminar was organized by the Faculty Development Centre in collaboration with the Department of Hindi to celebrate his 550th birthday. Total 75 participants comprising of faculty members as well as research scholars from the state and other neighbouring states attended it. Prof. Jaggi said that he was the one, who raised his voice strongly against all the social, political evils like casteism, plight of women in the society, atrocities committed by the ruling class on the lower strata of the society. The essence of Guru’s teaching was on being a better human being in the true sense of the word, he concluded.

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Prof. S.S. Behl, Dean, Academic Affairs in his presidential remarks drew a parallel between teaching of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Renaissance in West and said that humanism was the converging point of both. The Renaissance referred to the cultural revolution, whereas Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings were concerned with the spirituality. He was the one, who emphasized on the logical, rational thinking instead of blindly following the outdated, obsolete rituals, he concluded.

Prof. Pandey Shitanshu Bhushan, an other renowned scholar and former Head, Deptt. of Hindi, GNDU lamented the growing conservatism, parochialism, fundamentalism, radicalism in the entire world today, and said that his teaching and preaching is the sole panacea against all these evils inflicting the humanity.  The rapid moral ethical degradation taking in society today can be attributed to the fact, that we have deviated from the noble path shown by the great guru to the entire mankind, he concluded.

National Seminar on Global Relevance of Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Life ,Teachings held at GNDU

Prof. Sudha Jitender Head, Deptt. of Hindi and coordinator of the seminar apprised the participant with the theme area of the workshop and highlighted its significance in the current global scenario, which, is unfortunately, dotted with conflicts due to one reason for the other.

Prof. Adarsh pal Vig, Project coordinator, Faculty Development Centre, in his welcome address stated that we are fortunate enough that 50th foundation day of the university coincides with the 550th birthday of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Earlier all the dignitaries were presents saplings by Prof Adarsh Pal Vig, Prof Sudha Jitender, Dr Mohan Kumar.