Nation’s first Indo-Taiwan joint research centre on Artificial Intelligence inaugurated at IIT Ropar
KS Diwan/ royalpatiala.in/ Rupnagar
Nation’s First Indo-Taiwan Joint Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning inaugurated by the Deputy Minister for Science and Technology, Taiwan, Dr. Yu-Chin Hsu, the Ambassador of Taiwan to India, Tien Chung-Kwang, and Dean of R&D, National Chung Cheng Univ., Taiwan, Dr. Shih-Ming Huang. Prof. Sarit K. Das, Director, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar. The center is set up to focus on actionable programmes for the Indian AI ecosystem to contribute, collaborate and co-create. The centre is initially funded for a period of 3 years and is been coordinated by Prof. Pao-Ann Hsiung from NCCU and Dr. Rohit Sharma from IIT Ropar.
The INDO-TAIWAN JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE ON AI & ML is a new and exciting collaboration between the Ministry of Science & Technology, Taiwan, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan and Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India.

Professor Sarit K. Das, Director, IIT Ropar on this achievement of bringing the center in IIT Ropar, said, “Artificial Intelligence is a nucleus for all areas of technology linked to life – from mobility to structure, factories, and cities. We have recently started B.Tech in Maths and Computing and M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence and the centre will accelerate research in many areas like deep learning, reinforcement learning, network analytics, interpretable machine learning, and domain aware artificial intelligence. We are happy to have built strong bonding with global top universities like NCCU and Government of Taiwan. By working together and conducting aligned R&D activities, we could accelerate major breakthroughs which will have wider societal impact.”
It is the first of its kind in the nation with a focus on promoting research interaction between Taiwan and India. The common ambition is to provide an academic platform to strengthen the foundation of research in important applications, conduct research in AI & ML, promote student and faculty exchange programme and provide a platform for incubation.
An MoU was signed with SIMCO Electronics and BMC. Ministry of Science and Technology launched distinguished Doctoral Fellowship and India-Taiwan Research Cooperation. This PhD fellowship is to encourage outstanding students to pursue academic degrees in Taiwan and to deepen their understanding of Taiwan’s academic environment, thereby enhancing exchanges and building friendships between Taiwan and India.

Deputy Minister for Science and Technology, Taiwan, Dr. Yu-Chin Hsu said, “India, being the fastest growing economy with the second largest population in the world, has a significant stake in the AI revolution. Recognizing AI’s potential to transform economies and the need for India to strategize its approach, We have given center for AI and Machine Learning to IIT Ropar as it has lot of research already going on in this vertical.”
The Ambassador of Taiwan to India,Tien Chung-Kwang said, “, Our underlying thrust was, the center should yield maximum social impact and a willingness to learn from the best of the world when it comes to the recent technology advancements in AI, and leveraging approaches that democratize access to and further development of AI. IIT Ropar best fits into this.”
Dr. Rohit Y. Sharma, Associate Dean, International Relations and Coordinator Center Coordinator from IIT Ropar added that this centre reflects the commitment of IIT Ropar to be a leader in the area of AI and ML. The centre will pave way for sustained activities for the students of our newly started UG and PG programs.
This centre will bring synergy to generate real-world impact through AI and Machine Learning. This bilateral centre is seen as one of the key milestones towards the internationalization of IIT Ropar campus.