Notorious elements spreading malicious rumors regarding Talwandi Sabo Power Limited


Notorious elements spreading malicious rumors regarding Talwandi Sabo Power Limited

Jasbir Kapoor/ Bathinda

Talwandi Sabo Power Limited management has noticed that some notorious elements are spreading false and baseless rumours and instigating the communities, alleging that TSPL water discharge is polluting the canal water.    TSPL management has refuted the charges and informed that it is a super critical power plant with state-of-the -art-technology comprising of standalone effluent treatment plant ,sewage treatment plant and zero discharge plant worth 55 crores ,with the sole objective of treating waste water for reusing recycling the same within the plant premises.  TSPL is a Zero discharge plant and not a single drop of water goes outside the Plant.  There is no possibility of any discharge outside the plant premises. Further Statutory authorities have been visiting and inspecting the plant from time to time to ensure compliance’s.

Notorious elements spreading malicious rumors regarding Talwandi Sabo Power Limited

With technology in place  and regular inspections being carried out there is no question of any water discharge by the power plant  polluting the canal water , the allegation is entirely uncalled for and baseless . TSPL management has clarified that it has taken a strong note of false allegation and is contemplating legal actions against those found responsible for spreading the rumour.

About-Talwandi Sabo Power Limited (TSPL)

Talwandi Sabo Power Limited (TSPL) was incorporated as an SPV by Punjab State Electricity Board (PSEB) with the purpose of constructing a 1980 (3×660) MW thermal power plant at Village Banawala, Mansa-Talwandi Sabo Road, District Mansa, Punjab, India. Sterlite Energy Limited (a Vedanta group company) was selected as the developer of the project based on the Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process (Case-2) on BOO basis for supply of 100% power to Punjab State Electricity Board (PSEB) for 25 years as per the guidelines of Government of India. Power Purchase Agreement and other related agreements were signed between TSPL and PSEB on September 1, 2008, and the ownership of Talwandi Sabo Power Limited was transferred to Sterlite Energy Limited (Now Vedanta Limited) on that date.
