NSS students of Govt. Mohindra College Patiala participated in Grand Marathon


NSS students of Govt. Mohindra College Patiala participated in Grand Marathon

Bureau/ royalpatiala.in

Govt. Mohindra college Patiala, under the guidance of Principal Dr. Simrat Kaur, N.S.S volunteers participated and volunteered in marathon organised by YPS(Yadavindra public school) to celebrate completion of 75 year of YPS. Volunteers participated in First-Aid team and water bottle distribution.

NSS students of Govt. Mohindra College Patiala participated in Grand Marathon

Aside from that, on regular basis Mohindra college’s N.S.S volunteers participate in different social activities related to issues of city , state and nation. Be it a rally to warn people about harmful effects of plastic or conducting a rally to aware people about stubble burning. Weather it is cleanliness drives or cycle rallies or fitness events, N.S.S volunteers always try their best to participate and give the best outcome.

November 20,2022