One unit of donated blood can save four lives – Chetan Singh Jauramajra


One unit of donated blood can save four lives – Chetan Singh Jauramajra

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Health and Family Welfare Minister, Punjab Chetan Singh Jauramajra inaugurated the Blood Donation Camp organized by Punjab AIDS Control Employees Welfare Association in collaboration with Punjab State Blood Transfusion Council. In this camp employees of Punjab State AIDS Control Society from across Punjab participated. During this time Chetan Singh Jauramajra said that blood should always be taken from licensed blood banks. Because many diseases are tested in these centers and blood is given to a person only after the report is correct. There are 161 approved blood centers operating in Punjab, out of which 46 are government, 7 are military and 108 are private blood centers.

One unit of donated blood can save four lives – Chetan Singh Jauramajra

Chetan Singh Jauramajra appreciated the blood donation camp organized by the association. He said that many lives can be saved through voluntary blood donation camps. One donated unit of blood can save many lives. Jasmail Singh Deol, president of Punjab AIDS Control Employees Welfare Association, said that his union also does social welfare work like blood donation, besides assisting in the treatment of AIDS patients. On the occasion Project Director, PSACS Ms. Neelima, Director Health Services Dr. Ranjit Singh, Director NHM, Punjab Dr. S.P. Singh, Civil Surgeon Mohali Dr. Adarshpal Kaur, Additional Project Director Dr. Boby Gulati were present. Apart from these  General Secretary Gurjant Singh, Chief Advisor Mahinder Pal Singh, Finance Secretary Kawaljit Singh, Manish Yadav, Media Secretary Manish Kumar, Core Committee Member Ashu Garg, Surinder Singh, Rajan Kumar, Ramandeep Kaur and other staff were present.

December 5,2022