Pak renamed Bhagat Singh village Banga Chak No 105 as Bhagatpura- Abhay Sandhu


Pak renamed Bhagat Singh village Banga Chak No 105 as Bhagatpura- Abhay Sandhu

Bureau/ Chandigarh

Abhay Sandhu nephew of Shaheede Azam Bhagt Singh disclosed that the Pakistan government has changed the native village of Shaheede Azam Bhagat Singh Banga chak No 105 in Tehsil Jaranwala of Faisalabad District (previously called Lyallpur) to Bhagatpura* as a mark of respect to great martyr.

Bhagat Singh was born in the village in 1907.The Government of Pakistan has declared it to be a national heritage site. An annual memorial fair is held in the village on 23 March, which is the anniversary of Singh’s death.

The occupants of Bhagat Singh ancestral house in Pakistan has preserved the area, room where he was born. They had displayed the photographs of freedom fighters in the rooms.Earlier, the house was being owned by an advocate, whose ancestors have preserved some of the martyr’s belongings all these decades. But the district administration acquired it from him.

He further disclosed that recently Pakistan court directed the local bodies department of their country to  rename the “Shmadhan Chowk” in Lahore where Bhagat Singh along with Rajguru and Sukhdev was hanged.

“At Lahore a Pakistani advocate Imtiaz Rashid Qureshi, who runs a Bhagat singh Memorial Foundation had filed a case in the Lahore High Court to prove that Bhagat Singh was innocent in the case as he had traced the FIR of Bhagat Singh dating back to 1928 from the Anarkali police Station in 2014. He proved that Bhagat singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru were not named in the FIR but were still given death sentence for Killing John P Saunders. Now the case be handed over to five member bench for hearing” said Sandhu . He further said we are thankful to Imtiaz Quershi for taking up this initiative on his own.

(*Courtesy-Daily Post)