Patiala based railway manufacturing unit DMW’s name is changed


Patiala based railway manufacturing unit DMW’s name is changed

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Ministry of railways has changed the name of its Patiala based manufacturing unit “ Diesel Loco Modernization Works (DMW)” to “Patiala Locomotive Works”, from today. The necessary notification was issued today.

As per DMW officials, “the ministry has taken this step as now no Diesel engine is being manufactured at Patiala, as only Electric Motors and Tower Cars are being made at railways unit at Patiala. So, the ministry has decided to remove the word Diesel from its name and a new name “Patiala Locomotive Works’ is given to the manufacturing unit. Earlier the word Banaras based unit was also changed and Banaras name was added in that unit.”

This is for the third time that the railways have changed the name of its Patiala based locomotive manufacturing unit. When the foundation stone of the said unit was laid in 1981, than the unit was known as Diesel Component Works (DCW), Patiala and again in 2003 it became Diesel Loco Modernisation Works (DMW).

Patiala based railway manufacturing unit DMW’s name is changed

Patiala based railway manufacturing unit DMW’s name is changed. At present DMW in producing Electric Locomotives, Tower Cars, WAP7 ( (Wide/broad Gauge AC Electric Passenger, Class 7, is a three-phase AC electric passenger locomotive) Electric Locomotives, DETC ( Diesel Electric Tower Car), Multi Gen Set Engine, WDG 3A Locos etc.

History of DCW or DMW

The Foundation Stone of Diesel Component Works (DCW), Patiala was laid on October 24, 1981 and production started in 1986. A decision was also taken that DCW will do midlife Rebuilding of Diesel Locomotives after a service life of 18 years. Accordingly, Phase-II of the project was sanctioned and the work of Rebuilding started in 1989. The name of DCW was changed to Diesel Loco Modernisation Works (DMW) in July, 2003 to signify the modernisation of Diesel Locomotives being done in the unit.

February 1,2022