Patiala police to take stern action aganist RGMC management for flouting CM’s order-SSP


Patiala police to take stern action aganist RGMC management for flouting CM’s order-SSP

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Patiala

“Senior superientendent of Police Patiala Vikramjeet Duggal has confirmed to take stern action against the mangement of Patiala’s Rajindra Gymkhana and Mahindra Club (RGMC) for not adhering to Punjab chief minister Capt Amarinder Singh’s order.”

SSP Duggal said” Patiala police is not going to tolerate the violation of CM’s order and will implement the orders of CM in true spirits. We ill issue a notice to the mangement of the Rajindra Gymkhana and Mahindra Club (RGMC) for viloating curfew orders, by allowing the marriage party, to hold function after 9:30 pm, on the night of December 2,2020 in its premises.”

He said “i’ll inquire the matter and will not hesitate to take action aganist the violators. I had already taken an action, in past against the management of the Rajindra Gymkhana and Mahindra Club (RGMC), for violating the covid norms”.

Patiala police to take stern action aganist RGMC management for flouting CM’s order-SSP highlighted the issue on December 2,2020 itself, that how a marriage party goes on after 11:00 pm in the ground, near the car parking,in the premises of Rajindra Gymkhana and Mahindra Club, violating the Chief Minister’s orders. CM has imposed a night curfew in Punjab from 10: 00 PM to 5:00 PM, from Decemeber 1,2020, to curb the increasing number of covid cases in Punjab.

Sumit, a resident of Patiala, said “if Patiala police takes an action against the violators or the management of the Rajindra Gymkhana and Mahindra Club (RGMC), it will send a strong message to one and all, as its a premier club and lots of influential persons are the member of this club. Moreover,  the residents will not try to break the orders issues by the state government or by CM, in future. CM and the state government is serious and taking all out efforts to curb the rising number of Covid cases and some people are violating the guidelines, meant for our betterment.”

Royal city Patiala residents openly flouting CM’s order


Royal city Patiala residents openly flouting CM’s order


December 3,2020