Patwaris’ strike may cripple revenue work in Punjab


Patwaris’ strike may cripple revenue work in Punjab

KI Singh/ Chandigarh

Revenue Patwar union Punjab President Mohan Singh Bhedpura declared that Patwaris in Punjab will be on strike on Monday, October, 7 and they will sit on dharna from 11;00 am to 2:00 pm at tehsil level.

Bhedpura said that “they were on a protest against the state government’s decision to re-employ retired patwaris and kanungos in a bid to fill vacancies, the patwaris across the state.”

As per their plan of the Patwar Union, the Patwaris would stage protests at four places — Jalalabad, Dakha, Mukerian and Phagwara — where by-elections are scheduled this month.

Patwaris’ strike may cripple revenue work in Punjab-Photo courtesy-Internet

They are demanding the cancellation of the state government’s decision to re-employ retired patwaris and kanungos and issue a fresh advertisement to recruit fresh candidates. In addition, the group is also demanding equal pay. They are also demanding a full pay from beginning like doctors and judges. They are also demanding a 12X12 room with air conditioner, genset facility, bathroom and safe drinking water. They also want that new patwaris must be given laptop to do official work.  As per the statement they also want toll exemption whenever they go for an official work in courts.