Pbi Uni VC to head framing committee for Punjab State Education Policy


Pbi Uni VC to head framing committee for Punjab State Education Policy

Patiala- Punjabi University, Patiala Vice-Chancellor Dr. B.S. Ghuman has been appointed by Punjab Govt. as chairperson of framing committee for Punjab State Education Policy.

This committee includes total twelve members who are as Director SCERT Punjab, Chairman Punjab School Education Board, Director General School Education Board Punjab, Dr. Marmar Mukhodhopaye, Former Professor and Director NUEPA, New Delhi, Dr. Kuldeep Puri, Professor, Punjab University, Chandigarh, Dr. Geeta Gandhi Kingdon (Professor, Education and International Development at Institute of Education London University), Ashish Dhawan, founder and chairman, Central Square Foundation, Diptasari Basu, Senior Manager, Research Centre for civil society, Dr. Rukmani Beneraji, Director, Pratham (N.G.O. in educational field), Dr. Davinder Boha, Punjabi Lecturer, GSSS, Banur and Sucha Singh Khattra, retired teacher.

Pbi Uni VC to head framing committee for Punjab State Education Policy

Dr. Ghuman told that this committee will examine the current policy as well as other modern policies adopted at National and International Level. The draft of policy will be submitted to State Govt till July 31, 2018. All administrative assistance to this committee is to be provided by SCERT. First meeting regarding it has been scheduled on July 16, 2018, Dr. Ghuman explained.