PNB ATM installed at NITTTR Chandigarh


PNB ATM installed at NITTTR Chandigarh

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Punjab National Bank has installed an ATM at the backside on NITTTR Estate Office. It was inaugurated by  Sandeep Kumar Panigrahi, Zonal Manager of PNB, in the presence of Director NITTTR Chandigarh, Professor (Dr.) S SPattnaik. Various deans, head of the departments, section officers, faculty/staff members and students attended the inauguration in offline/ online mode.

The machine is going to be very helpful to students, staff and faculty members of the institute told the director NITTTR Chandigarh, Professor (Dr.) S SPattnaik. He further added that many of services such as transfer of cash, bill payment, booking of railway tickets, mobile recharging, paying income tax, applying personal loan, open a fixed deposit, transfer money and paying insurance premium, etc. now-a-days do not require a visit to the ATM, and can be done through net-banking and mobile banking easily. However, to get cash or deposit it, ATM is still the most efficient mode of transaction.

PNB ATM installed at NITTTR Chandigarh

PNB ATM installed at NITTTR Chandigarh .The faculty In-charge Administration,  P K Singla of NITTTR Chandigarh told that there are multiple times every day when someone has to leave the institute to go get cash. That won’t have to be the case anymore. It’s going to be very convenient as none has to visit bank or other ATMs in the city to get cash.

June 19,2021