PPCB issues timings to burst fire crackers during festival days in Punjab


PPCB issues timings to burst fire crackers during festival days in Punjab

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh

As the festival season approaches, in a bid to curb air pollution, Punjab pollution control board has issues timings and restrictions on bursting of fire crackers, with in the state.

As per the notice issued by Punjab pollution control board, gave reference of “the Punjab and Haryana high orders dated 17.10.2018 passed in a civil writ petition number 23548, 23905, 23852, of 2017 and Apex court orders dated 23.10.2018 passed in a writ petition (Civil) number 728 of 2015 in the matter of Arjun Gopal & Ors. V/s Union of India & Ors. has issued directions regarding time restrictions on bursting of fire-crackers during Dussehra, Diwali, Gurpurb, Christmas and New Year celebrations i.e. the time for bursting of fire-crackers on these days. However, NO bursting of crackers, either prior or thereafter on these days, is permitted.”

Crackers will have to meet Centre’s emission and noise level standards and can be sold only through licensed vendors.  The deputy commissioners concerned will organise a draw of lots to grant the issuance of temporary licences.

PPCB issues timings to burst fire crackers during festival days in Punjab-Photo courtsey-Internet

PPCB issues timings to burst fire crackers during festival days in Punjab. As per the orders, time for bursting of fire crackers on Dusshera (October 25,2020) is from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Likewise time for bursting of fire crackers on Diwali (November 14,2020) is from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

On the occasion of Gurpurb of Guru Nanak Dev ji, which falls on November 30,2020 is from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

Bursting of fire crackers on Christmas (December 25,2020) is from 11:55 pm to 5:30 am.

Bursting of fire crackers on New year eve, on December 31,2020 is permitted from 11:55 pm to 5:30 am.

October 24,2020