Home India “Protect the sanctity of Chief Labour Commissioner, GoI”- JFTU in PSGI companies to Union Labour Minister

“Protect the sanctity of Chief Labour Commissioner, GoI”- JFTU in PSGI companies to Union Labour Minister

“Protect the sanctity of Chief Labour Commissioner, GoI”- JFTU in PSGI companies to Union Labour Minister
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“Protect the sanctity of Chief Labour Commissioner, GoI”- JFTU in PSGI companies to Union Labour Minister

Kanwar Inder Singh/ April 8,2023

“Joint Forum of Trade Unions & Associations of Employees & Officers in Public Sector General Insurance Companies (JFTU in PSGI Companies) Northern Zone has written a letter to Bhupinder Yadav, Union Labour Minister and has requested him to “Protect the sanctity of Chief Labour Commissioner (CLC), GoI”, as managements of Public Sector General Insurance Companies (PSGICs) are clearly violating the Orders/Advisories issued by CLC” said Trilok Singh, Convener Northern Zone of JFTU in PSGIC.

He highlighted that chief labour commissioner (CLC) has advised the management of PSGICs that “they should Call the Unions, associations and welfare associations for Bilateral discussions before introducing any rollout, further the management should share and discuss the feedback report of the pilot projects in length with the respective Unions / Associations and welfare associations and should have bilateral discussions on the same. The  unions/associations, to call off their strike and resume the dialogue process with the management at various levels i.e. Company level, GIPSA level and at the department of financial services (DFS). The representative of the DFS also advised the management to take union/associations constructive suggestions and consideration and encouraged them to sort out any differences with the unions/associations through bilateralism”.

But, “the management of all four PSGICs are unilaterally implementing the Structural Changes and KPI based on the recommendations of a consultant with a dubious character i.e. E & Y, who has been fined $ 100 million Dollar in US for cheating on certified public accountant exams (CPA) and the German audit watchdog bans E&Y over the wire card scandal taking on new audits for Companies for public interest for two years and handed the firm a fine of € 500,000 euros ($544630). The above news has been published in International and National newspapers” added Trilok Singh.

While thanking the union labor minister, the association said “we thank you for your kind intervention in the matter of restoring justice to the workforce of Public Sector General Insurance Companies.”

“On your kind intervention and instructions of the Chief Labour Commissioner, GOI, New Delhi, Central Labour Commissioner Office had issued Notice to the DFS, GIPSA and also to all the Four CMDs of PSGICs for their appearing before them on 27th March, 2023.The arguments put in by the representatives of the workforce of PSGICs and the point of view of the above authorities was patiently heard by the chief labour commissioner (CLC)” highlighted Trilok Singh.

“Protect the sanctity of Chief Labour Commissioner, GoI”- JFTU in PSGI companies to Union Labour Minister-Photo courtesy-Internet

“The Unions/Associations agreed to call off their proposed strike on 29.03.2023” as per CLC’s advise but to our utter surprise and shock the Management has started implementing the KPI and Restructuring in a unilateral manner without having any meaningful discussion, which clearly amounts to defy the above orders passed by the  CLC. Further, it is very painful that the management of the PSGICS are even not having basic courtesy to show respect for the orders issued by the constitutional bodies, as they moved with roll out before having any discussion with the Unions and Associations. Even, the management of these PSGICs are implementing the KPI and has issued transfer orders for nearly 1000-1500 employees/officers in the companies” added the spokesperson on the joint forum.

“The managements of these PSGICs is clearly violation of the Orders/Advisories issued by  CLC and we would, therefore, seek your immediate intervention in the matter so that the sanctity of the Authorities viz. Chief Labour Commissioner, Government of India could be duly protected” . Trilok Singh appealed to  “Protect the sanctity of Chief Labour Commissioner, GoI”- JFTU in PSGI companies to Union Labour Minister

(royalpatiala.in News)