Proud moment for Punjabi University; got prestigious project under VAJRA program


Proud moment for Punjabi University; got prestigious project under VAJRA program

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh

Punjabi University, Patiala in its pursuit of excellence has joined the league of Institutions under VAJRA program for tapping the talent of International Scientists and Entrepreneurs so as to further augment  University ‘s academic resources. Under this endeavour University has got  the project entitled ‘Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents as a New Extraction Media for Metabolites from Indian Medicinal plants’ . .Under this programme Dr.  Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, Professor and Director, HelmholtzZentrum Muenchen, Research Unit Analytical BioGeochemistry (BGC) will be the guest professor  as SERB-Adjunct faculty. Prof Ashok Kumar Malik is a Fellow of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Prof. Ashok Kumar Malik of Chemistry Department will be Indian Host for this programme

Vice Chancellor Prof B.S. Ghuman said that sanctioning of this programme  to Punjabi University,  under VAJRA program is matter of great pleasure.

Proud moment for Punjabi University; got prestigious project under VAJRA program

Proud moment for Punjabi University; got prestigious project under VAJRA program.Prof. Ghuman  while congratulating Prof. Malik  said that the project will help our students and faculty to learn and share knowledge and teaching skills in cutting edge areas . Many more faculty members from Germany, England, Canada and Brazil have shown their interests in this program and are willing to participate at Punjabi University campus. This will also provide opportunity for collaborative research to generate quality course material in niche areas and development of new pedagogic methods in emerging technologies of National and International Interest. Prof. Ghuman emphasized that  participation of the foreign faculty in VAJRA program  offers a golden opportunity to move step by step towards Internationalization of higher education at Punjabi University Patiala .
