PSMDTA thanked Health Minister for promotions


PSMDTA thanked Health Minister for promotions

KS Diwan/ Patiala

The Department of Medical Education & Research Punjab in a recently held meeting of the departmental promotion committee, has promoted more than 50 (52) assistant professors to associate professor in medical colleges at Patiala and Amritsar.

Already the department has filled vacant posts of professor in medical colleges by holding departmental promotion committee meeting last month. With this more than two hundred (201 vacant out of a total of 290 sanctioned)  posts at the level of assistant professor have fallen vacant which are expected to be filled soon from PCMS cadre, said Dr DS Bhullar, General Secretary of Punjab State Medical & Dental Teachers Association who on behalf of the association has thanked Minister of Medical Education & Research Brahm Mohindra and Additional Chief Secretary Medical Education Satish Chandra for speeding up the process of promotions of the medical and dental faculty under Punjab Government who otherwise were awaiting their promotions since long.

PSMDTA thanked Health Minister for promotions

The Association has also thanked OSD to Chief Minister Punjab Dr Garish Sahni and DRME Punjab Dr Avnish Kumar for facilitating the promotions of the medical teachers and persuading the long pending demand of time bound promotion of the medical and dental teachers. Due to much delay in promotions, a number of posts at all levels in medical and dental colleges were lying vacant and the state Government had to make a stop gap measure / arrangement by appointment of retired medical teachers under the re-employment scheme of the state government but this re-employment system had led to a strong resentment and heart burn with the regularly working faculty who were feeling cheated due to blockage of their promotions.

The number of post graduation seats in medical and dental colleges will increase with availability senior faculty in medical colleges and as per Government of India Notification, the country is in dire need of specialist doctors which can be filled only if number of post graduation MD and MS seats are increased throughout the country. The vacancy position at assistant professor level may embarrass the state government if these are not filled before inspection by Medical Council of India which is expected shortly.