PSPCL officers/officials must take Covid 19 vaccination for their safety: R.P.Pandove


PSPCL officers/officials must take Covid 19 vaccination for their safety: R.P.Pandove

Kanwar Inder Singh/

PSPCL officers/officials must  take Covid 19 vaccination for the safety of themselves and for their families, this was stated by R.P.Pandove director administration while inaugurating a Covishield vaccination camp which  was organized at PSPCL head quarters here today. 303 PSPCL officers/officials has availed the covid 19 vaccination today

In a message to the all officers/officials A.Venu Prasad  heads of the departments of PSPCL,CMD A.Venu Prasad asked officers to motivate staff to go for vaccination and organize such camps for serving and retired officers/officials of the corporation.

A team of medical doctors from model town dispensary Patiala including  Dr.Ranjana, Dr.Simarjeet Kaur, upvaid Jaspal Singh ,upvaid Mandeep kaur,upvaid Jaswinder kaur  , ANM Jaswinder Kaur and ANM Jagtar Singh     from model town dispensary Patiala    played significant role for conduct of success vaccination camp.

PSPCL officers/officials must take Covid 19 vaccination for their safety: R.P.Pandove

April 9,2021