PSPCL Patiala circle up the ante against management’s contemptuous behavior


PSPCL Patiala circle up the ante against management’s contemptuous behavior

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh

Today Punjab state electricity board association engineers association (PSEBEA) Patiala circle raised their voice regarding the targeting of officers of PSPCL  (Distribution Wing) for recovery of defaulting amount,  losses and joint checking and submitted a letter to the Chief Engineer, South Zone, PSPCL Patiala.

Today a meeting of PSEBEA Patiala Distribution Region was held regarding DO/Explanation letters being issued to all Divisional officers under distribution wing asking them explanation about non recovery of defaulting amounts and increase in losses and passed some resolution and submitted the same to the CE South Zone, Patiala.

Er Ajay pal Singh Atwal, general secretary of PSEBEA said “general life has been severely crippled since March 2020 due to Covid-19 and there had been a complete lockdown upto 31st May 2020. During lockdown period the Distribution Wing (DS) wing has done a commendable job in maintaining uninterrupted power supply to our esteemed consumers especially in Covid affected areas and all medical institutions under extreme danger conditions and risking their lives. Even during the ongoing paddy season, the DS wing has contributed a lot in maintaining the uninterrupted power supply although Covid-19 situation is worsening day by day. The Engineers have executed their duties in the most challenging circumstances and many of the officers had been tested positive with COVID-19. It is also worth mentioning that as per Commercial Circular No. 25/2020 there was a complete ban on disconnecting electricity connections of consumers up-to 15.06.2020. From 16th June 2020 onwards, there has been a considerable improvement in the recovery of the defaulting amounts throughout Punjab along with maintaining uninterrupted supply. “

He  further said ,due to lockdown lot of capital and improvement works were severely affected, which have also been got done by hardworking field officers even though there was an acute shortage of materials in stores. All the officers are making their best efforts for the betterment of state and the department.

Continuous raids/ joint checking are being conducted under the instructions of the higher authorities, sometimes even in violation of Covid-19 related instructions/curfew by Government of Punjab (GoP). The officers are performing their duties with utmost sincerity, even risking their lives. There have been several instances where checking teams have been Gheraoed/manhandled/harassed by the mobs. In all such cases there has been very little support from Higher Management and District Administration.”

PSPCL Patiala circle up the ante against management’s contemptuous behavior
PSEB Engineers Association

Citing today’s incident Er Arashdeep Singh Sethi, regional secretary, Patiala DS region of PSEBEA said that “a joint raid was conducted in various villages of Samana Division by all the officers of Patiala Circle with their teams on the instructions of higher authorities. Two teams were Gheraoed and harassed by the villagers and members of kissan union in Shahpur and Dhainthal villages and they were held captive upto late afternoon hours. Till now no FIR has been registered by the police authority against the miscreants.”

Sethi further said that “all the officers are constrained to work overtime due to shortage of staff and there has been general lack of support from management side. The management is very well aware of ground realities & difficulties faced by the field staff in executing their duties. Higher management either seems oblivious to the poor working conditions or is deliberately choosing to ignore the ground realities & making the job of field officers more difficult.’

Sethi requested the chief enginner ,south zone to appraise the higher authorities/management about the actual ground situation and the efforts being put in by field officers to protect the revenue of the corporation. These efforts of field officers has been lauded by the Director/Distribution in the video conference on  27.08.2020 with all field SDOs of PSPCL.  In spite of all the facts mentioned above it is very painful to see that the officers are being served notices for non-performance, whereas their efforts should have been lauded by the management. :

The association condemns this act of higher authorities and demands that such demoralizing orders should be withdrawn with immediate effect. It has been decided by the region that:

  1. No supply related complaints/improvement works will be carried out in village Shahpur and Dhainthal and further it has been decided that for the rest of Patiala Circle only supply will be maintained, no other work will be done until FIR is lodged and culprits are arrested.
  2. Henceforth no raid/joint checking regarding theft detection would be conducted without police protection.
  3. Keeping in view the health and safety of engineer and employees only 3 persons including  driver will travel in a vehicle for conducting official duties in compliance of COVID-19 instructions of GoP.
  4. It has been further decided by the region that if in future officers/employees are Gheraoed/manhandled/harassed by consumers/public of any area then to ensure safety of officers/employees no supply related complaints of that particular area will be attended.
  5. The association demands that explanation letters issued regarding defaulting amount and losses should be withdrawn with immediate effect.
