Punjab CM appointed renowned philanthropist as Advisor


Punjab CM appointed renowned philanthropist as Advisor

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

Punjab chief minister Charanjit Singh Channi has appointed Dr Surinder Pal Singh Oberoi, a renowned philanthropist as Advisor to government of Punjab on health and skill development.

Oberoi was awarded the World’s first Honorary Causa Grand Ph.D. Degree in Philanthropy bestowed by the International University of Fundamental Studies (IUFS) affiliated to three prestigious establishment namely oxford education network, International Parliament of Safety & Peace & California University FCE. CE, USA.

Punjab CM appointed renowned philanthropist as Advisor
SPS Oberoi

Dr SPS Oberoi is a managing trustee of Sarbat da Bhala Trust. Dr. Surinder Pal Singh Oberoi, the first Indian, that too Punjabi, is a signature in the field of philanthropy & Selfless Social Services on the international map. He is deeply dedicated to serve the weaker, underprivileged sections of society through their social, cultural, educational and economic upliftment. The story behind his transformation is highly sensational, when he heard the cries of mothers under the pangs of fear to loose their wards, who were sentenced to death in a case of group fighting in Sharjah. He paid about 2.2 million US Dollars from his personal savings as blood money to save the lives of 17 boys. Although it was all done at the cost of his business.The Humble Dr. Oberoi attributes that he could do all this only by Grace of Waheguru. He has become one and only one SAVIOUR SINGH in the world, who has been able to release about 89 youth from death sentence involved in criminal cases in UAE and has rendered legal assistance to amicably resolve their cases.

December 2,2021