Punjab government issues detailed directions for universities/colleges for conduct of exams


Punjab government issues detailed directions for universities/colleges for conduct of exams

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh

The Punjab Government on Sunday issues detailed directions to all the Vice Chancellors, Government and Private Universities regarding conduct of examinations in Government/private universities and colleges.

According to an official spokesperson, in view of the Covid-19 pandemic all the universities of the state have been directed to follow the guidelines for conduct of Examinations at their campuses and affiliated colleges.

As per the guidelines, all students in terminal /exit classes or semesters will be awarded degrees/diplomas provided their average grades/marks/CGPA on the basis of previous exams or semesters, are over and above the minimum pass grades/marks/CGPA (as per norms/regulations of the individual university).

The Spokesperson pointed out that all the students in intermediate classes would be promoted to next class or semester or year but those having average grades/marks/CGPA less than the minimum pass marks/grades/ CGPA will have to clear exams of that semester as and when they were held to be eligible for award of degree. The students of Exit/Intermediate classes will also be given the option to take exams as and when they are held to improve their grades, if they desire to do so, he added.

Punjab government issues detailed directions for universities/colleges for conduct of exams

The Spokesperson further said that each university shall work out on its own the norms/policy regarding award of degree/promotion of students keeping in mind the said guidelines and their own rules & regulations. The universities which are in the process of conducting online exams can continue to do so with the permission of Higher Education Department.

The said guidelines have been issued with due permission of competent authority and these would not be applicable to the Institutions under Department of Medical Education & Research and Health.
