Punjab govt allotted “Religious Chair’s” becomes operational at JGNDPSO University-VC


Punjab govt allotted “Religious Chair’s” becomes operational at JGNDPSO University-VC

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

The Punjab Government in a major initiative has established Bhagwan Parasuram Chair at Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Punjab State Open University in order to promote research and teachings of Bhagwan Parasuram ji. The University seeks to spread the ideology and philosophy of Lord Parasuram in the country and at the global level. The Lord Parasurama was born on this earth to destroy inequity. His inspiring life story shows that he especially inspired the Khatri kings to perform their duties and show the right direction. There is so much to learn from his teachings and message to the world community at large. The establishment of the chair will enable the accelerated academic activity to study and revisit his life in terms of history and culture of India.

Punjab govt allotted “Religious Chair’s” becomes operational at JGNDPSO University-VC
Open University

According to Vice Chancellor of Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Punjab State Open University, Professor Karamjeet Singh, in order to promote the Interdisciplinary education, the University seeks to spread the research and development through these academic centres at the national and international level. The Vice Chancellor of JGND PSOU also told that various steps have been taken to establish  Lord Parasuram Chair and Center for Gita and Sanatani Granth at the university level. With the constitution of an Academic Committee and assigning the responsibility of the chair, appropriate steps are being taken to plan the academic activities of the Chair and the research Centre as per the spirit behind establishment of the same.

Punjab govt allotted “Religious Chair’s” becomes operational at JGNDPSO University-VC . The University is fully geared to shape its academic activities and works for dissemination of Lord Parasurama message to the future generations throughout the world. According to the Registrar Dr.Dharam Singh Sandhu, both these research centers are now operational and have started functioning as per the set guidelines and appropriate steps have been taken to carry out further academic activities of the research centres in this regard.

December 29,2021