Punjab govt allowed arrears of pay, DA to a section of its employees; rest employee’s also demanded arrears


Punjab govt allowed arrears of pay, DA to a section of its employees; rest employee’s also demanded arrears

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ November 16,2023

Punjab Government employees, who are not being paid DA, arrears etc.  have demanded that  their arrears should also be paid to them  as is being done in case of judicial officers.

Punjab Government  on 14th. November has allowed the arrears of pay and DA to the judicial officers,   equivalent to central government employees after the Supreme Court allowed their writ petition on May 19 this year.

It seems that employees will have to take up the matter in the court as has been done by  judicial officers

Ajaypal Singh Atwal, General Secretary, PSEB Engineers Association, it is not fair to grant arrears to one section of employees and denying the same to other employees . He demanded that the arrears of pay revision and DA should be released henceforth without any delay.

Punjab govt allowed arrears of pay, DA to a section of its employees; rest employee’s also demanded arrears