Punjabi university announces examinations for first session


Punjabi university announces examinations for first session

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

Punjabi University Patiala  examinations for first semester (regular, private, distance education) of undergraduate courses for the session 2020-2021 and reappear of odd semester of all courses  (regular, private, distance education) are starting from February 01, 2021.

Punjabi university announces examinations for first session-Photo courtesy-Internet

The date sheets of these examinations are being prepared and will soon be  uploaded on the University website.  Re-appear students of departments / colleges and all private students (all subjects and re-appear) can download  their roll numbers on 25.01.2021 in afternoon and regular students (all subjects) students of departments / colleges can download their roll numbers on  27.01.2021 afternoon from https://pupexamination.ac.in . Examination instructions will be issued soon. All students are advised to remain in touch with their department / college  and to keep on checking the university website from time to time for information regarding these examinations.

January 23,2021