Punjabi university ECE department organized national webinar


Punjabi university ECE department organized national webinar

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Punjabi University in association  with IEEE Photonics Society, Delhi Section, Rajasthan Chapter organized a national webinar “Igniting Teaching Learning in the Light of NEP-2020.

Vice-Chancellor, Punjabi University Patiala Professor Arvind,  while delivering his inaugural speech  congratulated  the ECE Department for their achievements during recent years and  also appreciated the activities being organized by of the Department during this difficult Covid times. Prof. Arvind said that the multidisciplinary approach being the need of the hour, must be adopted in the field of teaching and research.

Dr. Manjit Singh Bhamrah, Head ECE, formally welcomed all the dignitaries including Vice-Chancellor, Dean, Faculty of Engineering Dr Manjeet S. Patterh, expert speakers, and all the participants .

Punjabi university ECE department organized national webinar

Eminent speaker Dr. Manpreet Manna , Chair IEEE Photonic Society, Delhi Section, while  focussing his lecture on “A road map to National Education Policy-2020, said that this policy which  comes  after 35 years of  long wait, emphasizes the multi-disciplinary approach, blended learning approach, multiple entry and multiple exits, choice-based credit system and outcome-based education for all sections of the society. He also underlined  the importance of  International Industrial and educational trends across the globe. He also pointed that there are still 38% shortage of teachers. It was   also highlighted that the main motive of the education is to become a good human being in the society.

The another expert speaker  Dr. Preeta Sharan , Professor, Oxford  College of Engineering Bangalore, highlighted the significance of photonics. She talked about optical sensors, a recent trend in the world of miniaturized sensor which is highly sensitive when  compared to other sensors. She also focused on Photonic crystal-based sensors, Surface Plasmon Resonance based sensors, Fiber Bragg Grating based sensor and MEMS based sensors while discussing about the role in sensing the Bio samples.

Dr Ranjit Kaur, Dean International Students, presented the formal vote of thanks.  She congratulated all the participants for actively joining the event. Dr Reecha Sharma, Assistant Professor, ECE Department  who was coordinator & moderator of the program said that this webinar has been a huge success with hundred plus participants from states like  Uttar Pradesh,  Bangalore, Kolkata, Taminladu,  Meghalaya and other corners from the Punjab.   Overall, the two sessions got the great positive appreciation and feedback from the participants,  she said.

May 30,2021