Punjabi University health centre organizes eighth free COVID Vaccination camp


Punjabi University health centre organizes eighth free COVID Vaccination camp

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

Following the Punjab Government guidelines, Eighth Free COVID (Covishield) Vaccination camp was organized by Bhai Ghaniya Health Centre, Punjabi University, Patiala on  28th January,2022  in collaboration with the Office of Civil Surgeon, Patiala at UGC Guest House, Punjabi University Campus, Patiala.

The Camp was inaugurated by  Prof. Arvind ,Vice Chancellor, Punjabi University, Patiala.

Dr Prince Sodhi, Civil Surgeon,Patiala, Dr Veenu Goel District Immunization Officer, Dr Sumeet Singh Distt. Epidemiologist graced the occasion.

About 200 persons which include students,staff,faculty and residents were vaccinated in the camp.

First and second dose of Covishield Vaccines were given and third dose of the frontline workers and above 60 years age who have completed 9 months after second dose were given. Covaccine doses were given to 15-18 years age group also.

Punjabi University health centre organizes eighth free COVID Vaccination camp

Vice Chancellor Prof. Arvind has conveyed that offline mode of classes will be started very soon and we are looking forward to opening up the campus as per the Punjab Govt. Guidelines and so vaccination is being done, he added that every person must get vaccinated.  In particular he appreciated the proactive measures taken by the Health Centre and its Incharge SMO Dr. Regina Maini during Covid pandemic .The efforts of the District Health Administration, Civil Surgeon, Patiala and his team are highly appreciated.

Dr. Regina Maini, SMO  Bhai Ghaniya Health Centre said  as per the guidelines issued by Punjab Government the vaccination of the University staff, employees and faculty has been done with the collaboration of Office of Civil Surgeon, Patiala. She thanked Civil Surgeon and his team for organizing the Camp. She thanked the staff of Health Centre for their cooperation and whole Punjabi University Family. She said this was the Eighth  Free Covishield  Vaccination Camp and more than 3050 persons have got the Covishield Vaccines in these Camps.

Punjabi University health centre organizes eighth free COVID Vaccination camp. She told that we have already organized Three Covid Sampling and Seven Covid Vaccination Camps.

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January 28,2022