Punjabi university School of Applied Management orgainsed informative session for students


Punjabi university School of Applied Management orgainsed informative session for students

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

A guest lecture on ‘How to set up an Enterprise and  Government support system available’ was organized at University School of Applied Management, Punjabi University, Patiala.

The speaker, Satish Mohan Goel, is an Ex Additional Director cum Industrial Advisor, Department of Industries and Commerce, Punjab.

Dr. Ritu, senior professor at department welcomed the speaker. It was an informative and interactive session where the speaker told the students about various steps, rules, regulations, clearances that one has to take to set up an enterprise, various kinds of schemes provided by the central and state government to provide boost to MSMEs and entrepreneurship.

Punjabi university School of Applied Management orgainsed informative session for students

He also talked about the startup culture that is building up in Punjab and how students by using even small, innovative ideas can start with their own ventures.

Dr. Manjit Singh (Professor and Head at the University School of Applied Management) stressed upon the essence of an alert, observing and innovative behaviour which will help the young minds to convert their ideas into workable business models.

Dr. Gautam, assistant professor at the department had been instrumental in arranging the session. The department holds such sessions at regular intervals for its students as a supplement to classroom teaching.

April 28,2022