Ramphal Pawar as Director National Crime Records Bureau


Ramphal Pawar as Director National Crime Records Bureau

KS Diwan/ royalpatiala.in/ New Delhi

Consequent upon curtailment of his present tenure as Joint Secretary, NATGRID, the competent authority has approved appointment of Ramphal Pawar, IPS (West Bengal: 88 batch), as Director (ADG level), National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) against the existing vacancy from the date of joining the post and up to tenure extendable as per IPS Tenure Policy or till further orders, whichever is earlier.

Ramphal Pawar as Director National Crime Records Bureau

National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)

NCRB was set-up in 1986 to function as a repository of information on crime and criminals so as to assist the investigators in linking crime to the perpetrators, based on the recommendations of the National Police Commission (1977-1981) and the MHA’s Task force (1985).

NCRB was entrusted with the responsibility for monitoring, co-ordinating and implementing the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS) project in the year 2009. The project connects 15000+ police stations and 6000 higher offices of police in the country.

National Digital Police Portal was launched on 21st August 2017, and it allows search for a criminal / suspect on a national data base apart from providing various services to citizens like filing of complaints online and seeking antecedent verification of tenants, domestic helps, drivers etc. https://digitalpolice.gov.in/. Citizen Services Mobile App consisting of the 9 services (SoS, Complaint Registration, Locate PS, View FIR, Citizen Tip, etc.) was launched by the Bureau during the 33rd Inception Day celebrations of the Bureau on 11th March 2018.

The Bureau has been entrusted by MHA to maintain National Database of Sexual Offenders (NDSO) and share it with the States/UTs on regular basis. NCRB has also been designated as the Central Nodal Agency to manage technical and operational functions of the ‘Online Cyber-Crime Reporting Portal’ and associated work of Cyber Crime Prevention against Women & Children (CCPWC) of MHA.