Retired and serving home guard jawans block traffic on National Highway; staging dharna from 5 years and 193 days


Retired and serving home guard jawans block traffic on National Highway; staging dharna from 5 years and 193 days

Bahadurjeet Singh/Rupnagar, January 17,2023
A large number of retired and serving Home Guard employees blocked the national highway at Solkhian toll plaza near Rupnagar and raised slogans against the Punjab government to press their demands.

It is worth mentioning that it has been 5 years and 193 days since the retired employees of the Home Guard Welfare Association Punjab are staging a sit-in at  Solkhian toll plaza on Rupnagar-Chandigarh national highway but the government has not yet paid attention to the demands of the employees  because of which the highway was  blocked for three hours at Solkhian toll plaza. The association said that the dharna will continue until the demand for notification of pension and implementation of the 6th Pay Commission is met.

Retired and serving home guard jawans block traffic on National Highway; staging dharna from 5 years and 193 daysAlthough SDM Rupnagar Harbans Singh had assured the employees before the blockade that a meeting would be held, but the protesters blocked the National Highway demanding written assurance. After which SSP Rupnagar Vivek S. Soni reached the spot and talked to higher officials on phone and told that he himself would go to attend the meeting with the five member committee of the association and after that the blockade was lifted.

On the other hand, the employees said that if no solution is found in the meeting then the National Highway will be blocked again on January 25 and they will tell on the spot where the jam will be.

During the blockade on the road, long queues of vehicles formed on both sides and people also faced inconvenience and the police diverted the traffic from nearby villages.