RGMC elections-ruling group emerges as winner; 2 member’s losses security amount


RGMC elections-ruling group emerges as winner; 2 member’s losses security amount

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

In an interesting fight for 8 posts of North India’s prestigious club Rajindra Gymkhana and Mahendra Club, (RGMC) ruling group won the 7 out of 8 posts, in an election held on the last day of 2020 i.e December 31,2020.

The counting for the votes begins today in the foggy morning, at the club premises. First the counting for all the four executive members was held. The result of which was declared, by afternoon. In the election for the post of executive members, all the four members of ruling party –Sanchit Bansal, Dr Harsimran, Adv Sumesh Jain, Dr Sanjay Bansal won the elections.

For the post of executive members Sanchit Bansal polled 1206  votes, Dr Harsimran Singh polled 1160  votes, Adv Sumesh jain polled 1129  votes and Dr Sanjay Bansal polled 1049  votes. The opponent group member Suersh Batta polled 677  votes,Adv Baljit Joshan polled 588 votes, Sanjay Dhawan polled 493 votes and Dhiraj Challana polled 435 votes .

Similarly , the ruling party presidential candidate  Vinod Dhundia polled 1079 and his opponent Gurmukh Singh Dhillon polled 882 post.

For the post of vice president Er MM Sayal of the ruling party won the elections. He polled 1022 votes, where as his opponent Vikas Puri polled 921 votes.

For the post of hony. Secy CA Amarinder Pabla, ruling party candidate  won the elections. He polled 1035 votes. His opponent Dr HS Mann polled 911 votes.

The only post which the opposition party candidate won is of Treasurer . The opponents won this major and only post. The winning candidate Swatantar Bansal polled 978 votes and Subhash Gupta polled 960 votes.

Two candidates who contested for the post of executive members- Dhiraj Challana and Sanjay Dhawan looses the security amount, as they polled less than the required number of votes. As per the rules 20 percent of votes are required to be polled, of the total number of votes. Both the members polled less than 20 percent, which comes out to be 560 votes and they polled 435 and 493 respectively.

January 1,2021