RGMC elections-wind of change; opposition group changed the game
Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in
In an interesting fight for top 5 posts of North India’s prestigious club Rajindra Gymkhana and Mahendra Club, (RGMC) the opposition group (Goodwill group) won the 3 out of 5 posts, in an election held on t December 30,2021.
The opposition party-Goodwill Group (GG) won the president, vice president, secretary posts and the ruling party (Progressive group-PG) won two posts-joint secretary and treasurer posts.
The counting for the votes begins today in the morning, at the club premises. First the counting for all the seven executive members was held. The result of which was declared, by evening. In the election for the post of executive members, five members of ruling party (Progressive group-PG) and two from the opposition group (Goodwill Group-GG) won the elections.
For the post of executive members Er Sanchit Bansal (PG) polled 1079 votes, Rohit Gupta (PG) polled 1052 votes, Dr Sukhdeep Singh Boparai (GG) got 1022 votes, Advocate Mayank Malhotra (PG) got 973 votes, Deepak Dakala (GG) got 945 votes, Harminder Singh Lovely (PG) got 917 votes and Harshpal Singh (PG) got 868 votes
Similarly, the ruling party presidential candidate Dr JPS Walia (PG) polled 695 and his opponent Dr Sudhir Verma (GG) polled 1354 votes and won the president post.
For the post of vice president Vikas Puri of the opposition party (GG) won the elections. He polled 1013 votes, where as his opponent Er MM Syal (PG) polled 1004 votes.

RGMC elections-wind of change; opposition group changed the game. For the post of Hony. Secy Vinod Sharma of the opposition group (GG) won the elections. He polled 1106 votes. His opponent Harpreet Sandhu of the ruling group (PG) polled 931 votes.
The only post which the ruling party candidate won is of Treasurer . The ruling party (PG) won this major post. The winning candidate Dr Sanjay Bansal polled 1501 votes and HPS Bajaj polled 483 votes. The major reason of loosing this post by the opposition group is that their candidate HPS Bajaj sits in favour of the ruling group (PG) few days before the election.
Three candidates who contested for the post of joint secretary Deepak Malhotra (GG) polled 669 votes, Dr Neeraj Goyal polled 833 votes and Rahul who fought election as independent candidate polled 492 votes. Dr Neeraj becomes joint secretary of the RGMC Club.
December 31,2021